Today I am bringing you another Writing tip for the week. I am going to try to bring you one each week on this blog. For today I am using a new Book I just got in the mail not too long ago. As an indie author I am always looking for ways on how to improve in my writing and it also helps with editing skills as well. For this week I am focusing on an amazing book by Amy Peters entitled, " The Writer's Devotional 365 Inspirational Exercises, Ideas, Tips & Motivations or Writing. This is one amazing book as it states in the back on the book" Hone Your Writing Skills, Whether you're writing fiction, composing screenplays or poetry, or simply trying to keep a invaluable volume will get your creative juices flowing. These 365 inspiring recommendations, quotations by authors from the distant past as well the recent bestseller lists, exercises, and more intended to help you develop your own singular voice, gain confidence, and k...